Tw&Cross Zoo Continuing Education Academy Thu, 14 Dec 2023 11:28:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tw&Cross Zoo 32 32 How to Clean Pet Stains Out of RV Carpet? Thu, 14 Dec 2023 11:28:05 +0000 Accidents can happen when you have a pet living with%rarebiz-readmore%

The post How to Clean Pet Stains Out of RV Carpet? appeared first on Tw&Cross Zoo.


Accidents can happen when you have a pet living with you. If your carpet has been soiled by urine, feces, or vomit, immediate cleaning and long-term care may generally restore it to its original condition.

You don’t have to live with pet stains on your carpet indefinitely. Even if you don’t notice one until it has dried and set into the carpet, there are still strategies to clean it.

Never use strong chemical cleaners with a pungent odor to remove pet stains from the carpet. They seldom eliminate the smell from the fibers of the carpet, and may even entice pets to return and mark it again.

If you’re an RV owner, then you know that pet stains can be a real pain to clean up. Not only are they difficult to remove, but they can also damage your carpet over time. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best ways to clean pet stains out of your RV carpet. We will also provide some tips on how to prevent them from happening in the first place!

Immediate Actions for Pet Stains

In many cases, the site of an accident will be obvious to the naked eye. If not, you can usually spot the damaged area by smell. You may use a black light to find regions where accidents have occurred if either of these methods fails. Your pet may return to that location to relieve itself, even if you remove all traces of the stain.

If you see the accident while the area is still wet, you should try to soak up as much of the water as feasible. The sooner you can get all of the liquid out of your way, the easier and more successful the procedure will be.

If the accident has already dried, you can use a pet odor and stain remover to break down the enzymes that are causing the problem. These products will also help to remove any lingering odors.

If there is vomit or feces on the carpet, use a plastic bag to gather them up. It’s critical not to put any more objects in the fibers after removing vomit since the acid in vomit can quickly color carpet threads:

  • Drop paper towels on the area to absorb any extra moisture. Blot the carpet firmly with rags, as long as you wash them after;
  • Get rid of the paper towels. Then, replace the fresh sets on top of each other and press firmly one last time;
  • After that, set another layer of paper towels over the stain and press your feet on it for at least a minute. Make sure you wear footwear for this;
  • Once again get rid of the paper towels. You’re now ready to use a cleaning solution to remove the stain and smell;

Methods for Cleaning Pet Stains From Carpet

Vinegar Solution

  • Mix one part white vinegar with one part water;
  • Apply the mixture to the stain using a clean cloth or sponge;
  • Blot the area until the stain is no longer visible;
  • Rinse the area with clean water and blot dry;

Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda Mixture

If you have hydrogen peroxide and baking soda on hand, you can mix them together to form a natural cleaning solution. Simply combine one cup of hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon of baking soda. Then, use this mixture to scrub the stain until it disappears.

Using a Wet Vac Carpet Cleaner

If you have a wet vac carpet cleaner, you can use it to remove the pet stain from your RV carpet. First, you will need to fill the tank of the wet vac with hot water and soap. Then, you will need to place the vacuum over the stained area and turn it on. The vacuum will suck up the pet stain along with the hot water and soap.

Using a Steam Cleaner

The fourth way that you can clean pet stains out of your RV carpet is by using a steam cleaner. A steam cleaner uses hot water and steam to clean carpets. It is a very effective way to remove stains from carpets. To use a steam cleaner, you will first need to fill the tank with hot water. Then, you will need to hold the steam cleaner over the stained area and turn it on. The steam cleaner will remove the pet stain from your RV carpet.

Hiring a Professional Carpet Cleaning Company

The fifth and final way to clean pet stains out of your RV carpet is by hiring a professional carpet cleaning company. Carpet cleaning companies have special machines that they use to clean carpets. They are very effective at removing stains from carpets. If you hire a professional carpet cleaning company, they will be able to remove the pet stain from your RV carpet quickly and easily.

RV Carpet Cleaning Tips for Camping Pets


The most visible mess to clean up is fur. The majority of RV carpeting has a smooth, flat texture and little room to capture thick clumps of hair. A regular vacuum should be sufficient to clear moderate fur buildup.

Consider using lint rollers – they’re especially useful if your carpeting is flat. Line rollers are affordable and very efficient at collecting hair, fur, lint, and other fuzzy items that may become trapped in your carpeting.

For cleaning up fur, a vacuum is your best friend. Simply run the machine over the carpeted regions, adjusting the brush setting for each carpet thickness. It also doesn’t hurt to do a rapid vacuum of the solid flooring if you have a bare-floor environment.

If you ought to cleanse your dog’s fur from furniture, or if you have particularly tenacious hair patches, consider using a pet fur vacuum attachment. Using one of these will slow down the vacuuming process somewhat, but it will be able to get a more thorough clean.

Urine Stains and Smell

The first step is to identify the source of the stain and then blot it with a clean, dry towel. Do not rub or scrub the area as this will only spread the urine and make the stain larger. Once you have blotted up as much liquid as possible, it’s time to treat the area with a cleaning solution.

You may put off cleaning up fur for a while, but urine must be dealt with as soon as feasible so that stains and odors do not become entrenched. There are various strategies and products available to help you clean up these disasters.

Clean towels (white to prevent color transfer), water, a spray bottle, and some sort of cleaning solution are all generally required.

Dawn dish soap, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, and/or baking soda can be used. There are several excellent sprays and solutions available for this purpose; therefore, having a supply of one of these on hand is a smart idea.

Blot the spot with towels to get rid of any remaining residue from the cleaner. After it has had enough time to soak in (at least 5 minutes), add some water and blot with more towels again. Continue until there is no longer any evidence of pee. If you’re dealing with a stubborn old stain, an enzymatic pet stain remover that’s strong might be required.

Vomit Stains and Smell

Clean the topmost layer to the greatest extent possible. Wipe up any significant mess with paper towels or washcloths. After you’ve gotten all of the solids you can, clean the carpet with one of the cleaning solutions listed above. Continue to blot the carpet until the stain has gone.

It’s prudent to do a thorough carpet cleaning throughout the region just to be sure there aren’t any germs or unpleasant scents remaining.

Coffee grounds are an excellent solution for cleaning up vomit on a hard surface! Coffee grounds will absorb the fluid and eliminate the unpleasant smell. If you sprinkle coffee grounds over the vomit and leave it for a few minutes, you’ll be able to easily sweep up the mess and clean the floor below it.

Deep Cleaning Pet Stains from RV Carpet

Here are some tips for deep cleaning pet stains from your RV carpet:

  • Vacuum the area thoroughly to remove any loose dirt or debris;
  • Pre-treat the stain with a carpet cleaner or enzyme cleaner designed specifically for pet stains. Follow the instructions on the bottle;
  • Allow the pre-treatment to work for the recommended amount of time before proceeding to the next step;
  • Using a carpet shampooer or steam cleaner, clean the entire area of the carpet where the stain occurred;
  • Once the carpet is dry, vacuum again to ensure all dirt and debris have been removed;

How to Help Prevent Future Stains?

Carpet cleaning is an essential part of RV maintenance, especially if you have pets. Pet stains can be difficult to remove and can cause permanent damage to your carpet. To help prevent future stains, it’s important to regularly vacuum and cleans your RV carpets. You should also consider using a pet-friendly carpet cleaner that’s designed to break down pet urine and other stubborn stains.

If you have a pet that’s prone to accidents, it’s also a good idea to keep them off the furniture and carpeted areas as much as possible. You can do this by keeping their favorite toys and beds in a separate room or area of the RV. By taking these preventive measures, you can help keep your RV carpet clean and free from pet stains.


How do I get stains out of my RV carpet?

RV carpet is often made from synthetic materials that are resistant to staining. However, accidents happen, and your pet may end up leaving a mess on your carpets. If this happens, don’t despair! There are several ways you can clean pet stains out of RV carpeting.

One way to remove a pet stain is to use a vacuum cleaner with an attachment designed for removing pet hair. If you have such an attachment, simply vacuum over the stained area and the stain should disappear.

Another way to clean a pet stain is to use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Simply combine one cup of hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon of baking soda. Then, use this mixture to scrub the stain until it disappears.

If you don’t have any hydrogen peroxide or baking soda on hand, you can also try using white vinegar. Simply pour some white vinegar onto the stained area and scrub it with a brush. The acid in the vinegar will help to break down the stains.

How do you get old pet stains out of the carpet?

Mix 2 cups warm water, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 teaspoon liquid dish soap, and 1/2 cup vinegar. Apply a soft cloth or sponge dipped in the solution to the filthy area. Blot lightly once more. To remove a stubborn stain, repeat the process a few times more. When the spot is no longer visible, rinse the area with clean water and blot dry.

Will hydrogen peroxide remove old pet stains from the carpet?

The most effective pet stain removers for carpets are hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and chlorine bleach. It’s a powerful stain removal and disinfectant, but it can also effectively whiten the surface where it’s used, especially at higher dosages.

Can you steam mop RV floors?

You should not use a steam mop on any carpeted surface in your RV. The high heat can permanently damage the fibers and backing, making it more susceptible to stains and wear-and-tear. Instead, vacuum regularly and spot-clean as needed using the method above.

For general cleaning, mix a solution of equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Lightly mist the area and wipe clean with a microfiber cloth. If you have tile floors, you can steam mop those safely. Just be sure to avoid getting any water on carpeted areas or near electrical outlets.

Does WD40 remove carpet stains?

WD40 can actually help to remove some carpet stains:

  • First, blot up as much of the spill as possible with a clean cloth;
  • Then, spray WD40 directly on the stain and let it sit for a few minutes before blotting again;
  • You may need to repeat this process a few times for tough stains. Just be sure to spot test an inconspicuous area first to ensure that WD40 won’t damage your particular carpet fibers;

It’s also important to note that WD-40 is flammable, so use caution if using it near any open flames.

The post How to Clean Pet Stains Out of RV Carpet? appeared first on Tw&Cross Zoo.

Zoo Etiquette: Unconventional Rules for a Respectful Visit Mon, 25 Sep 2023 14:30:22 +0000 Zoos are captivating places that provide us with the unique%rarebiz-readmore%

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Zoos are captivating places that provide us with the unique opportunity to witness the beauty and diversity of the animal kingdom up close. They serve as centers of education, conservation, and recreation. However, as we immerse ourselves in the wonder of these spaces, it’s crucial to remember that our presence can have a significant impact on the animals and their environments. In this article, we’ll explore some unconventional rules for a respectful visit to the zoo that go beyond the basics.

1. Go Beyond the Selfie

In today’s age of smartphones and selfies, it’s almost second nature to snap pictures of the animals. While capturing memories is essential, it’s equally important to resist the urge to get that perfect selfie with the animals. Flash photography and loud camera noises can stress the animals and disrupt their natural behavior. Instead, try to capture candid moments from a distance and let the animals be themselves.

2. Stay Quiet and Mindful

Visitors often underestimate the impact of their conversations on zoo animals. Loud talking, shouting, or tapping on glass enclosures can be distressing to the animals and disrupt their peace. A respectful visit involves maintaining a quiet and mindful atmosphere, allowing the animals to relax and exhibit their natural behaviors.

3. Don’t Tap on Glass or Plexiglass

One of the more unconventional rules is to resist the temptation to tap on glass or plexiglass enclosures. While it might seem harmless, this behavior can startle and stress the animals, affecting their well-being. Remember that these enclosures are their homes, and we should treat them with the same respect we would expect in someone’s house.

4. Skip the Feeding (Unless Allowed)

Feeding animals, even if well-intentioned, can have harmful consequences. Many animals have specialized diets, and consuming human food can lead to health problems. Furthermore, feeding animals can alter their natural behaviors and even lead to aggressive behavior towards humans. If the zoo allows feeding, make sure to follow their guidelines meticulously.

5. Follow the Path Less Traveled

Zoos typically have designated pathways for visitors to follow. Instead of sticking to the main routes, consider exploring the less-traveled paths within the zoo. This not only allows you to discover hidden gems but also reduces the congestion on popular routes, giving animals a break from the constant stream of visitors.

6. Respect Animal Viewing Windows

Mаny zооs hаve viеwing windоws оr perches where visitоrs cаn get аn uр-close look аt аnimаls. While thеsе prоvide fаntаstic oрроrtunities fоr observаtion, it’s essentiаl tо bе mindful оf yоur timе аnd sраce. Limit yоur viеwing timе tо аllow othеrs а chаnce tо see, аnd dоn’t crowd аround thе windоw, blocking thе view fоr othеrs.

7. Prаctice Раtience аnd Observаtion Insteаd оf rushing from one exhibit tо аnоthеr, tаke thе timе tо sit аnd observe thе аnimаls. Раtience is а virtuе in thе wоrld оf zоо еtiquеttе. Вy spending mоre timе quietly observing, yоu’re likеly tо witness fаsсinаting nаturаl bеhаviоrs thаt yоu might othеrwise miss in а hurried visit.

8. Respeсt thе Keeрers аnd Stаff Zookeeрers аnd stаff plаy а cruciаl role in thе well-bеing оf thе аnimаls аnd thе functiоning оf thе zоо. If yоu hаve questions оr wаnt tо leаrn mоre аbout thе аnimаls, dоn’t hesitаte tо аpproаch thеm. But dо sо with respeсt, аcknowledging thаt thеy might bе busy with thеir duties.

9. Be Mindful оf Trаsh аnd Litter Zoos аre оften pristine environments, but littеr аnd trаsh cаn quickly mаr thе bеаuty оf thеsе sраces. Mаke sure tо use designаted trаsh bins аnd rеcycling contаiners. Picking up аfter yоurself nоt only cоntributes tо а cleаner environment but аlsо sets а рositive exаmple fоr othеr visitоrs.

10. Educаte Уourself аnd Othеrs Оne оf thе mоst unconventionаl yet impаctful rules fоr а respeсtful zоо visit is tо educаte yоurself аnd thosе аround yоu. Leаrn аbout thе аnimаls yоu’ll encounter, thеir hаbitаts, аnd conservаtion еffоrts relаted tо thеir species. Shаre this knowledge with fellоw visitоrs, especiаlly сhildren, tо foster а sense оf respeсt аnd аppreciаtion fоr thе nаturаl wоrld.

11. Suрроrt Conservаtion Effоrts Zoos аre mоre thаn just plаces fоr entertаinment; thеy аre аctive pаrticipаnts in globаl conservаtion еffоrts. Mаny zооs аllocаte а роrtion оf thеir рroceeds tо wildlife conservаtion initiаtives. Consider mаking а dоnаtion оr bеcoming а membеr tо suppоrt thеsе criticаl еffоrts.

12. Аvoid Rush Нour Just likе trаffic, zооs hаve thеir “rush hours” whеn thеy аre mоst сrowded. If рossible, visit during non-peаk timеs tо еnjoy а mоre relаxed аnd lеss сrowded еxpеriеncе. Fеwеr peоple meаn lеss stress fоr thе аnimаls аnd а mоre еnjoyаble visit fоr yоu.

13. Respeсt Speciаl Guidеlinеs Some аnimаls, especiаlly thosе in sеnsitivе environments оr rehаbilitаtion progrаms, hаve speciаl guidelines fоr viеwing. Pаy аttention tо thеsе guidelines аnd follow thеm diligently. They еxist tо protеct thе аnimаls аnd thеir hаbitаts.

14. Shаre Уour Еxperience Resрonsibly After yоur visit, it’s nаturаl tо wаnt tо shаre yоur еxpеriеncеs on sоciаl mediа. Anywаy, еxеrcisе cаution аnd responsibility whеn posting pictures аnd infоrmаtion аbout yоur zоо visit. Аvoid geotаgging spеcific аnimаl enclosures оr reveаling аny sеnsitivе infоrmаtion thаt cоuld potentiаlly hаrm thе аnimаls оr thеir keepers.

15. Suрроrt Ethicаl Zoos Lаstly, consider suppоrting аnd visiting zооs thаt priоritize аnimаl welfаre, conservаtion, аnd educаtion. Ethicаl zооs priоritize thе well-bеing оf thеir аnimаls аnd аctively engаge in conservаtion еffоrts. Вy сhoosing tо visit аnd suppоrt thеsе institutions, yоu сontribute tо thеir vitаl wоrk.

In closing а respeсtful visit tо thе zоо extends bеyond trаditionаl еtiquеttе. It involves mindfulnеss, considerаtion fоr thе аnimаls, аnd а commitment tо educаtion аnd conservаtion. Вy following thеsе unconventionаl rules, yоu cаn еnsurе thаt yоur visit tо thе zоо is nоt only еnjoyаble but аlsо cоntributes tо thе welfаre аnd preservаtion оf thе mаgnificent creаtures thаt cаll thеsе plаces hоme. Remembеr, our аctions hаve thе pоwer tо mаke а рositive impаct on thе аnimаl kingdоm.

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Introduction to Animal Husbandry Tue, 20 Jun 2023 12:35:24 +0000 Welcome to the fascinating world of animal husbandry! This field%rarebiz-readmore%

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Welcome to the fascinating world of animal husbandry! This field is an integral part of agriculture and involves the care and breeding of livestock like cows, sheep, pigs, horses, and more. It’s not just about feeding and watering animals; there’s a science behind it that we’ll explore today.

The Importance of Animal Husbandry

Animal husbandry plays a crucial role in providing essential commodities like meat, milk, eggs, wool, and even manure for crops. It’s a cyclical system that benefits both us and the environment.

Understanding Animal Breeding

Breeding in animal husbandry isn’t a haphazard process. It involves careful selection of healthy, superior animals to ensure high-quality offspring.

Basics of Animal Nutrition

Proper nutrition is fundamental for the health and productivity of livestock. Balanced diets contribute to growth, milk production, and disease resistance.

Types of Animal Husbandry

We’re going to dive into the exciting world of animal husbandry. I bet you’re asking, “What’s the big deal with animal husbandry?” Well, let me tell you, it’s not just a fancy term for taking care of animals; it’s so much more! So, grab your boots and let’s hit the fields together to explore the different types of animal husbandry.

  • Livestock Farming – First on our list is livestock farming. This is the big kahuna of animal husbandry. You know, the cows, sheep, goats, pigs, and all those chunky creatures we love. Farmers raise these animals primarily for meat and leather. But that’s not all! Manure from these animals is like black gold for crops. It’s all about that circle of life, folks!
  • Dairy Farming – Next up, we have dairy farming. Imagine a morning without a splash of milk in your coffee or cereal – a nightmare, right? Dairy farming is all about raising cows (and sometimes goats) for milk. It’s not just milk, though; we’re talking cheese, yogurt, butter – the works!
  • Poultry Farming – Got eggs? Poultry farming is next in line. Chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese – these birds are the stars of this show. From eggs to meat, poultry farming is a feathery affair that clucks its way into our kitchens.
  • Beekeeping – Time for something sweet! Beekeeping is the unsung hero of animal husbandry. Without these little buzzers, there’s no honey. Not to mention, bees play a massive role in pollinating, which is essential for, you know, plants to reproduce!
  • Aquaculture – Let’s dive into aquaculture! This involves raising fish and shellfish for consumption. Whether you’re a fan of salmon, tilapia, or shrimp, aquaculture is the reason these tasty treats land on your plate.
  • Sericulture – Say hello to the silk-producers in sericulture. This is where silkworms are raised for their silk. Next time you slip into that silky smooth shirt, thank a silkworm!
  • Apiculture – Hold up! Didn’t we talk about bees? Yes, but apiculture is a special branch focusing on honey bees for honey and beeswax. It’s like beekeeping’s sweet cousin!
  • Fiber Production Farming – Lastly, let’s talk about fiber production. This is where animals like sheep and alpacas come into play. Their wool is used for clothing, blankets, and more.

Best Practices in Animal Husbandry

Howdy there, folks! Today, we’re taking a deep dive into the best practices of animal husbandry. We’re talking about keeping your animals hale and hearty, making your farm productive, and doing it all in a way that’s sustainable and ethical. Sounds good? Alright, let’s saddle up and get started!

Livestock Management

Effective livestock management involves careful planning, from feeding schedules to waste management, ensuring a healthy environment for the animals.

Disease Prevention

Healthy animals are productive animals. Routine health checks, vaccinations, and proper sanitation practices can help prevent disease spread.

Ethical Treatment

We can’t stress enough the importance of ethical treatment. Animals should have access to clean water, sufficient food, and ample space to move around.

Impact of Animal Husbandry on the Economy

Animal husbandry contributes significantly to the global economy. It provides jobs, food resources, and even plays a part in tourism!

Career Opportunities in Animal Husbandry

There’s more to this field than just farming. You can become a veterinarian, a livestock inspector, or even a dairy scientist!

The Intriguing World of Live Casinos

Pivoting from animal husbandry, let’s take a quick detour to live casinos! Did you know that online gambling has evolved tremendously in the past few years? There’s a special kind of thrill playing live games with real dealers, just like in Vegas!

Pragmatic Play: An Insight

One of the titans of live casino gaming is Pragmatic Play. They provide a plethora of live casino games that will have you on the edge of your seat! Go ahead, take a spin on the roulette wheel or try your hand at blackjack!


From the basics of animal husbandry to a snippet into the world of live casinos, we’ve traveled a considerable spectrum. Animal husbandry is not just important; it’s an essential part of our daily lives. So, the next time you enjoy that glass of milk or honey on your toast, give a nod to the folks in animal husbandry!

The post Introduction to Animal Husbandry appeared first on Tw&Cross Zoo.

Ultimate Guide: How Much Should Your Cat Weigh? Fri, 07 Oct 2022 13:58:27 +0000 Cats are adorable and furry creatures that we all love.%rarebiz-readmore%

The post Ultimate Guide: How Much Should Your Cat Weigh? appeared first on Tw&Cross Zoo.


Cats are adorable and furry creatures that we all love. But did you know that they can be overweight? If your cat is carrying around too many extra pounds, it could lead to a number of health problems. According to, It is important to keep an eye on your cat’s weight so you can prevent any health issues from arising. This article will provide tips for how much my cat should weigh and what you need to do if it isn’t at the right weight!

Ideal Weight for Cats

Cats should weigh between three and five pounds for every one of their age in years. If a cat is too thin, it may be because she isn’t eating enough food, possibly due to illness or another medical problem. However, cats can also become obese from eating too much high calorie food and not getting any exercise. Obesity has many health problems associated with it, including diabetes and other diseases.

If you think your cat is too skinny or overweight, consult a veterinarian to determine the best course of action for her overall health. A vet will also be able to tell if there are any underlying medical conditions that can cause weight changes in cats by looking at blood work results.

How to Keep the Pounds Off

Drink water! Cats can easily become dehydrated, which makes it more difficult for your cat to lose weight. Keep a bowl of fresh and clean water at all times in the house or keep them in their own fountain if you have multiple cats. For outdoor cats who may not always find clean drinking sources when they need one, I recommend getting a water fountain that’s specifically made for cats.

Be mindful of your cat’s diet and feeding regimen. Cats should always have access to food, even when they’re not eating it, so make sure you don’t put their bowl away too soon or let them graze throughout the day. This constant intake of food will cause them to gain weight quickly.

Put your cat on a diet made for cats if you need help with their caloric intake or are having trouble finding the right amount of food that’s not too much, but also isn’t causing them to lose any pounds. If they’re already eating healthy foods and still gaining weight, it may be time to talk to your vet about the possibility of a medical condition.

Cats love a good scratch, but it’s also another way for them to burn calories and lose weight! If they’re usually in front of you while you watch TV or work on your computer at home, consider giving them some attention during that time frame if not daily. If they’re not usually in the room with you, try playing a game of fetch or hide and seek to get them moving around!

If your cat struggles with weight loss despite their diet being on point, consider getting more exercise for them either by taking time every day to play games at home or letting them explore outside if they can go on walks with you.

Cats are naturally more active than most pets, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be as fit as a fiddle! If your cat is still struggling to lose those extra pounds despite the tips above and their diet being on point for weight loss, it may be time to talk to your vet about an easier way to do it.

The Problem with “Average” Cat Weight

There are so many websites out there that have statistics about how much your cat should weigh. But what’s the problem with using “average” weight as a reference? The truth is, no two cats are exactly alike! Just like humans can come in different shapes and sizes, each individual cat has its own unique body type. The best way to determine what your cat should weigh is by using the body condition score.

A Better Way to Determine Your Cat’s Ideal Weight

While simply looking at their size may work for some cats, there are several reasons why this method isn’t always accurate. For example, your cat may be bigger because she’s older, or has a disease that causes her to gain weight.

This is why it’s better to use another method instead of just looking at your cat and guessing what their ideal weight should be. One way you can do this would be by using the body condition score system developed for dogs.

This method takes into consideration the size and shape of your cat’s body. Here are some guidelines to help you determine whether or not your kitty is at a healthy weight. The neck should be narrower than the head, with visible elasticity when pressed down on both sides of their neck. Check this by lightly pressing your cat’s skin and looking for the “tenting.” When you touch your cat, their ribs should be easily felt but not seen.

The waist is where there’s a change in body contour from the lower to upper abdomen. It isn’t visible when standing up and your cat will appear to have a “tummy.” The tail should be long, thick at the base and tapering to a blunt tip with clearly defined bony vertebrae visible beneath the skin.

What if My Cat is Overweight?

Overweight cats can suffer from health problems such as diabetes, arthritis and heart disease. These are all things that you should keep an eye out for if your cat is overweight. If you think that your cat is overweight, the first thing to do is a weigh-in. If it’s more than two kilograms over its recommended weight, then it might be time for some changes in feeding habits and exercise routines. For an average sized adult at around five kilos (11 pounds), there are several things to consider with regards to feeding. Firstly, how much are you currently feeding your cat? What kind of food is it on and what volume constitutes a day’s worth?

If you’re giving treats throughout the day, make sure that these aren’t adding up to more than 20 percent of their daily calorie intake. As for dry food, most brands will have a guideline on the packet as to how much you should be feeding your cat. If not, contact them directly and they’ll advise you accordingly.

You can also ask your vet about what’s best for your pet’s age, weight and activity levels. As always with anything related to health care for your pets, prevention is better than cure. That said, you can’t really cure something if it’s not diagnosed in the first place!

What if My Cat is Underweight?

If your cat weighs less than the normal weight for her age and breed, you should schedule a visit with your veterinarian. Underweight cats may be lacking in nutrients or they could have an underlying medical condition that is causing them to lose their appetite. If your cat is underweight, you should make an appointment with the veterinarian right away.

Average Cat Weight Does Not Exist

The average cat weight does not exist. This is because there are too many breeds and variation between each breed that makes the averages useless. However, we do have a chart below with some estimates for your cat’s size based on their age and gender which you can use as a starting point to figure out if they’re overweight or have an underweight condition.

Mature male cats are generally larger than mature females. Kittens tend to be on the lighter side until they reach maturity, at which point their growth slows down and stops. Some breeds have a tendency to remain smaller throughout adulthood while other breeds continue growing well into their first year of life. It’s important for your veterinarian to take a hands-on approach to checking your cat’s weight.

Cats are not small dogs and should be treated accordingly when it comes to their health care, including the topic of obesity which is a huge problem for cats all around the world due to an increase in feline diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure among other illnesses that tend to plague overweight or obese cats.

We would advise you to seek the advice of your veterinarian if you are suspicious that your cat is either overweight or underweight and ask them what they think about their weight based on a hands-on examination, in addition to checking out our chart below with some estimates for how much cats should weigh at each age.

Why is maintaining a healthy weight so important?

Cats that are overweight or obese can experience a variety of issues like diabetes, arthritis and other joint diseases. This is because excess weight puts pressure on the joints which leads to pain and inflammation. Another issue with cats that are overweight is respiratory problems due to the extra weight. It is important to maintain a healthy weight for your cat because of the health risks.

Another reason why maintaining a healthy weight is so important is that it will help you determine if there are other underlying problems going on with your cat’s health such as an illness or disease. Cats can be very good at hiding their pain and not showing any signs of being sick. If you have a cat that is overweight it will often be harder for your vet to tell if there are any underlying health problems going on because of the extra weight and thick fur coat.

The last reason maintaining a healthy weight is so important, is that it ensures they live a long happy life with their owner! It can be very rewarding to have a cat that is healthy and happy.

Cats should always be fed high quality food

Foods that are high in fat or carbohydrates can cause weight gain, so it’s important not to feed your cat treats or other foods with these ingredients.

Regular veterinary visits keep track of the health progress of your pet!


Is 12 pounds overweight for a cat?

Most experts would say no. But it is worth looking at whether your pet’s weight might cause problems and, if so, how to help them lose some of those extra pounds.

How do you determine a cat’s ideal weight?

There are many charts available online, but here is an easy-to-use one. Use the weight range that’s at the top of your cat’s age. After measuring, remember to add 20-25% for an obese cat, and remove 25-30% if you think it is too thin. Weight varies from breed to breed as well as among cats so this chart will only provide a starting point. It is also important to keep in mind that most cats are at their healthy weight when they have a waistline. There should be a slight “tuck” where the stomach meets the back legs and spine. If your cat has no waist, it may indicate overweight or obesity (in which case you need to adjust accordingly).

Why is my indoor cat fat?

Cats are naturally hunters and as such, eat as much as their prey. Even though they can’t be satisfied by eating one small mouse at a time, you might still think that your indoor cat is overweight. If so, there could be several reasons for it:

  • Your cat is getting treats, despite you knowing that it should not.
  • You’re feeding your cat too much because the food bowl never seems to be emptied fast enough for you. You think one more serving won’t hurt but in reality, this might just make him or her obese very quickly!
  • Your cat is feeling lonely and might be eating to compensate for the lack of company.
  • You’re giving your kitty food just because other people in the house are having theirs or you cannot say no when he/she looks at you with those cute eyes!


The best way to find out how much your cat should weigh is by taking it to the vet. They will be able to tell you if they are overweight or underweight, and provide advice on what you can do about it!

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The Most Effective Animal Care Training & Education Programs Wed, 27 Apr 2022 13:55:49 +0000 The development of training, education and rehabilitation programs for animals%rarebiz-readmore%

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The development of training, education and rehabilitation programs for animals has gone through various changes over the years. It all started with the idea of providing trained animals with food and water. This evolved into providing them with shelter, and they became domesticated to the point where they began to care for people in their own way.

The use of animal care programs has become part of our lives. The world we live in today is one in which animals are part of our daily lives. We are no longer just zookeepers; we interact with them on a daily basis. To keep this relationship healthy, we need to educate people on how to better care for these animals, especially when it comes to treating illnesses or injuries they suffer (Fryer & Moller 2000). Many studies have shown that by learning how to interact with animals, we learn how to treat them properly. Much of the work done in animal care programs focuses on teaching people how to interact with and care for animals in a positive way.

Some quick tips to improve animal care training and education

Animals are some of the most pleasant creatures to work with. That’s why it’s important for us to be able to teach animals the best ways to train and care for them.

Some tips on how to train animals and get the best out of your pet.

“There are many different animals that can be used as pets – dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, etc.. There will always be at least one animal in a good animal care training program” (Jade). This is because there are many animals that are much easier to train than others. Also, children or someone else can do something similar with their own hands and skills, which gives the animal extra confidence to do such things.

What is the best way to keep pets safe and healthy?

Whether you are a beginner or have been caring for pets for a long time, we all understand how difficult it is to take care of our little friends. In this section, we’ll talk about your pet’s behavior and why you should keep it in mind when working with them.

In this section, we will discuss understanding different situations and, therefore, give insight into what you can and cannot do. As in a business environment, autowriters need to understand their work environment, their clients, and the context in which they work. Therefore, we will cover how they can interact with clients and potential clients to get better results.

How do I become a veterinarian or home vet?

The field of veterinary medicine has grown tremendously since its inception. The demand for animals is growing at a rapid pace, and with it, so are the providers of veterinary services. However, there are many young people who would like to become veterinarians but have no idea what they will do after they graduate.

As veterinary students, they struggle to find work after graduation, and many have no idea how to even begin their careers in the field. Many of them end up becoming veterinary assistants or even working in offices as clerical staff. These days, because of globalization, they can be found in any industry, be it banking, retail, or even the financial sector.

Young people are told that they should work in retail, education, and the hospitality industry, but many do not want to work there because it does not suit them, and they also believe that this career will not last forever. This means that many young people do not see themselves working in these fields.

Advanced training for zoo and aquarium employees

The veterinary sector is growing rapidly around the world, with both the number of practices and the number of jobs increasing. Training veterinary staff while adhering to strict quality standards in this field is a big challenge.

This workshop will give you an overview of the training processes and then discuss topics such as:

The purpose of these workshops is to bring together a variety of stakeholders, including training providers, trainers, trainer representatives, supervisors, and medical and veterinary education managers, to facilitate a discussion of current developments in the field.

How to find the best veterinarians in your area

A veterinarian is one of the most important people in your life, and they should be able to provide you with services that meet all of your needs.

We should not think of veterinarians as replacing any other professionals such as teachers, lawyers or doctors. They simply help us find the right veterinarian who can give us the help we need in caring for all the animals we care for.

Before finding a veterinarian, we need to determine what all the animals may need so we have an idea of their age and condition

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I Will Pay Someone to Write My Essay: What Should I Do? Wed, 13 Apr 2022 13:31:11 +0000 To get to know animals and behave properly with them,%rarebiz-readmore%

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To get to know animals and behave properly with them, you need to know biology, psychology, and many other subjects well. Getting a higher education, you need to have time to do the full amount of assignments, which causes a lot of stress, and sometimes it is impossible. The time has come – you need extra help to cope with your studies.

This article will help you dispel many misconceptions about finding someone to write an essay or any other paper online. In addition, here you will learn how to choose the right platform to get a written solution for your task.

The Grim Reality about Life in College

After living with a family, students who go to college find that the transition to social life and academic life is very different. There is no one to tell you what to do or how to do it.

Your professors don’t remind you to do an assignment, and they don’t care if you do it or not; they just offer you an assignment and expect you to turn it in. You have complete freedom to choose whether you attend lectures or tests. It is entirely up to you where you will do the assignment, and your success depends on it.

All this emancipation and freedom given to young people can cause some unwanted tension, but it’s only natural. Papers and essays are demanding work that kids do once a week, or even more often.

Completing assignments and projects that take hours seems to take effort second by second. As exams approach, the workload begins to pile up, and it seems like you’ll never be able to turn it all in quickly. That’s when you may need extra help.

Is it worth hiring someone to do your homework?

The answer to this question is completely subjective and varies from person to person. However, the general opinion of students is that hiring someone to do your assignments is worthwhile.

First of all, reliable writing services help to restore good health by relieving the stress that hard homework sometimes brings. Paying for homework can be worthwhile, depending on who you ask. The price you pay for peace of mind may be high, but your mental health is crucial.

Many students are overwhelmed by the amount of work assigned to them and occasionally skip homework or hire a reliable writer from a highly rated company to take their “do my essay homework for me” request. Mental health has no price, so finding affordable but top-notch writing help may be worthwhile if this is an issue for you.

Secondly, highly qualified custom help can be a great aid to your studies if you’re falling behind. Again, this is not cheating, but rather getting extra help, the cost of which is well worth it when you see results.

Who should I pay to do my homework?

Once you’ve decided to submit a “write an essay for me” request to a professional website, the next question is who should you assign it to, because your grades are on the line. Before you choose a platform to help you with your homework, you should research the following factors:

1. Do a background check. Before you opt for any platform, do a thorough background check. This involves scrutinizing the site or application gateway. Check reviews not only on platforms, but also on other search engines and third-party portals. Before making a decision, it’s crucial to check if it’s legitimate. In response to the question, “Can I hire someone to do my homework?” carefully examine the rules of confidentiality, privacy, and timeliness.

2. research who will help you. If the platform is your solution to the question “Should I pay someone to do my schoolwork for me?”, you must first determine who that person is. While background checks can help you build trust in the platform, it is equally important to research and vet the experts doing the assignments. This will give you confidence in the quality of the work you receive and its potential for plagiarism.

3. Finally, you should make sure that the platform you choose is easy and safe to deliver. Your grades are determined not only by the quality of your work, but also by the timeliness of its delivery. That’s why you should choose a platform that is available to contact you and deliver assignments in a timely manner.

Only send funds to legitimate sites. Make sure the money is safe and can be refunded if something goes wrong or the work turns out to be unoriginal. Homework help services can be scams, so do your research and never send an unsecured payment or give your bank information over the phone. Read other people’s reviews of each help agency.

The verdict on the dilemma of paying someone to write an essay

College and university are periods in your life when you discover your passions and interests and scrutinize them. Whatever “it” is, the good and the terrible sides, the right and the wrong, the black and white and gray elements. Higher education is built on information and study, and students have almost complete control over all areas of their education.

The answer to your question, “Should I hire writers to do my homework for me?” is pretty obvious. Only you yourself can answer it. This activity is perfectly legitimate and can help you get high grades when making an informed decision based on

The post I Will Pay Someone to Write My Essay: What Should I Do? appeared first on Tw&Cross Zoo.

Why Does My Cat Lick Me? Wed, 23 Mar 2022 13:41:23 +0000 Felines are astonishing creatures. They’re fun loving, they’re charming, and%rarebiz-readmore%

The post Why Does My Cat Lick Me? appeared first on Tw&Cross Zoo.

Felines are astonishing creatures. They’re fun loving, they’re charming, and they’re cuddly. Certain individuals even say that felines give the best embraces of all time! However, assuming you’ve had a feline for some time, you may see something strange: your feline likes to lick you. A great deal. What’s more not simply your face; they’ll lick any piece of your body – including places like behind your ears or close to your paunch button. What’s happening with the entirety of this licking? For what reason does my feline get it done? What’s more how would I be able to treat it? We have every one of the responses that you want in our definitive manual for why my feline licks me!

Potential Reasons Why Your Cat Licks You

Your feline loves you. You are their cherished individual on the planet, and they need to show it! They lick you on the grounds that your skin feels great on their tongues. Your feline’s spit contains chemicals that assistance with processing. Whenever a feline licks your face or hands, this is an effort to check an area by abandoning a portion of his fragrance. Your feline might be giving you a back rub. Felines love to massage when they are cheerful, and this activity is like the manner by which they feed their young – by delivering normal quieting synthetic compounds through licking. By prepping your face or hands with his tongue, he may likewise be eliminating something that smells awful or tastes severe from your skin! This could be anything from a bug to a portion of your fragrance. Your feline is attempting to stand out enough to be noticed from you, and licking is the manner in which they convey this in their reality! Assuming something alarms or disturbs them, they will likewise lick themselves for solace – so when feline licks you as opposed to gnawing or scratching, it might really imply that he is anxious. They may likewise lick you assuming they are exhausted and need more excitement – play with your kitty, or even better get them an intuitive toy like a feline artist! Your felines predecessors needed to chase after food to get by, so licking is one of their approaches to communicating hunting senses. At the point when your feline licks something (or somebody) they are contemplating killing it (or eating it).

To show warmth

Felines, similar to people and numerous different vertebrates, show friendship by preparing one another. This conduct is additionally found in mother felines who groom their cats to assist with keeping them clean and animate blood stream to the skin (which forestalls disease). Felines lick us for a similar explanation: they are showing that we have a place with a “family” and that we’re cherished.

To “mark their region”

Felines mark their domain as a method for speaking with different felines. They do this by scouring the highest point of their heads and tails against little trees or posts, permitting them to move aroma from organs in their bodies onto these articles. Felines likewise store pheromones on surfaces they rub against, which is the reason you’ll see your feline’s cheeks are frequently wet. Pheromones are utilized for some, various reasons, including to check an area or draw in a mate. They’re likewise a simple method for speaking with felines that aren’t acquainted with one another felines can peruse each other’s pheromone-scented messages by ignoring their noses the markings left behind!

To prepare you or lick your skin

Your fuzzy companion isn’t just licking its paws to clean itself. It’s additionally preparing you or licking your skin justifiably. That may be the situation assuming it licks specific pieces of its body consistently, as around its mouth and face, despite its ears or on its good faith legs. At the point when felines groom themselves, they are eliminating free hair, soil and oil. They likewise spread their own spit on the hide to soak it with lipids discharged in their salivation, which helps keep your kitty’s jacket sparkling and smooth. To this end you may see that felines lick portions of their body where there is a ton of skin or less hide like around the mouth or on legs, where it’s more straightforward for them to lick. Assuming your shaggy companion licks you frequently and he is loose at the same time, odds are high that this conduct has a positive significance for him. Nonetheless, assuming something changes in the licking dynamic between both of you – like your feline becomes unsettled while licking or begins to chomp or scratch you – it very well may be an indication that his licking conduct has changed and is at this point not positive. Assuming you can distinguish the justification behind your feline’s adjustment of conduct, there could be a simple answer for keep away from any further harm or uneasiness brought about by this sort of closeness between both of you.

To borrow your time

Your feline may likewise prod you with his nose or paw at your arm. This is a way for your feline to try out your response. Assuming you pull away, he’ll probably invest more effort the following time! Assuming this occurs, tenderly push him away and stroll toward another room with the goal that he can’t follow you. This will tell him “this isn’t alright.”

To adapt to nervousness or stress, felines might lick themselves

Hormonal changes, including those that happen during the method involved with conceiving an offspring and nursing a litter of little cats can likewise cause unreasonable licking or preparing. Apprehension or energy are other potential justifications for why your feline may be exorbitantly licking herself. In the event that she’s not addressing her own requirements for reasons unknown, it’s conceivable she’s overcompensating. If all else fails, converse with your vet or a pet behaviorist with regards to the justifications for why you figure your feline may be unreasonably licking herself and they’ll direct you on what steps to take straightaway. In the event that something can be treated by drug, this will turn out to be clear rapidly.

For what reason Does It Hurt When My Cat Licks Me?

At the point when a feline licks, they are utilizing their tongue to prep themselves. This isn’t just for their own advantage yet in addition gives numerous medical advantages also. There is an explanation your feline licks you and it very well might be because of how great the preparing feels or perhaps they think you really want some licking as well! In any case, on the off chance that your kitty is erupting at you when they lick, it very well might be harming a direct result of their teeth or harsh tone. The more established your feline gets the almost certain that is going on since felines lose child teeth and get more grounded grown-up ones too.

How Do I Get My Cat to Stop Licking Me?

Felines continually groom themselves, so in the event that your feline is licking you, it’s simply because they think you are important for their family. In the event that this disturbs you, essentially occupy them with a toy or treat to take their brain off the friendly signal. It very well may be hard for certain felines from the beginning yet additional time will become acclimated to not getting licked.

How to treat my Cat Keeps Licking Me?

My feline continues to lick me, how would it be advisable for me to respond? This can be an indication of two things: possibly you are important for their family and they view you as one of them or your feline’s tongue is just dry. Assuming it’s the primary case ensure that you don’t drive them away and let the warm signal proceed. Assuming that it’s dry, offer your feline water or inquire as to whether they have a bowl of new clean water in the house for them.


Would it be advisable for you to allow your feline to lick you?

While it is conceivable that your feline will lick you out of warmth, odds are she’s licking for another explanation. You ought to be concerned assuming that your feline licks you since she could have an oral medical issue. Licking and preparing are typical practices in felines, however here and there it can turn into a clinical issue when they lick their hide to the mark of hairlessness or foster bruises from exorbitant licking. Felines may likewise unreasonably prep one more feline in the family. Conceivable clinical explanations behind unnecessary licking in felines: Assuming you notice your feline unreasonably prepping or licking himself, it very well might be an indication that he has an oral medical issue. Your veterinarian can analyze any issues and suggest suitable treatment choices if important. Assuming you have more than one feline at home, they may be battling about an area which could prompt exorbitant preparing or licking. The most well-known clinical justification behind your feline to exorbitantly prepare himself is sensitivities, yet this might be hard to discern whether the issue causing him uneasiness is some different option from sensitivities. Felines can foster responsive qualities as well as unfavorably susceptible responses to bug nibbles, certain food varieties, organ emissions in their skin-and even pressure!

Is it awful assuming my feline licks me a ton?

This is a seriously simple inquiry to address, assuming you’re asking why my feline licks me a ton. Felines are frequently seen licking themselves because of the way that they have oil organs in their skin which produce a sleek substance known as sebum. At the point when felines groom themselves, this sebum gets spread across their hide and helps keep them saturated and putting their best self forward. Felines likewise have a characteristic intuition to keep themselves clean, so licking assumes a significant part in this also.


Felines lick their general surroundings for an assortment of reasons, including cleaning themselves and denoting their region with fragrance organs. While most feline licking is ordinary conduct, there might be a few basic clinical worries that prompt felines to unnecessarily lick you or articles in your home.

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Zookeeper Career: What is the Main Point? Thu, 17 Feb 2022 11:27:01 +0000 Choosing a career path can be quite daunting, as there%rarebiz-readmore%

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Choosing a career path can be quite daunting, as there are so many paths to take. Now that you have chosen the zookeeping profession, we have come up with answers to basic questions about it to make sure you start the journey on the right foot.

Job Description

Knowing what zookeeping encompasses is a good way to get acquainted with your job. The primary duty of a zookeeper involves nursing the animals, providing clean living spaces, entertainment, training, and basic care for them. 

Some secondary responsibilities might include:

  • Scheduling and altering the animals’ feeding routines if required;
  • Monitoring or logging animals’ feeding and behavioral patterns;
  • Informing experts about the animals’ odd behavior, ailments, or injuries;
  • Helping with vet examinations and administering prescribed drugs;
  • Educating and entertaining visitors with exhibitions, presentations, etc.;
  • Nurturing and caring for a specific class or species of animals.

Generally, job descriptions on zookeeping are describing the applicant zoos would like to work with as passionate, compassionate, experienced, and knowledgeable about animal care.

Zookeeper Requirements

To qualify as a zookeeper, there are requirements you would need. You don’t need to fulfill all requirements. Among basic requirements, there are the following aspects. 

Education. Some form of educational qualification is always required. Typically, zookeepers are expected to have at least basic formal education. Some may request zookeepers with a bachelor or associate degrees in zoology, animal science, and related fields. With degrees in these fields, it is presumed that zookeepers have knowledge and skills in dealing with animals.

Certifications. Certifications from courses online or in person, in related fields, can give candidates an edge in applicant selection. They can serve as an alternative for people without relevant educational qualifications. 

Skills. Zookeepers are expected to have some skills that would assist them in handling animals efficiently and safely. These skills include reliability, empathy, communication, patience, stamina, etc.

Relevant Experience. Training on the job is a good way of gaining relevant experience. New zookeepers can get relevant experience by volunteering or interning with zoos, animal shelters, vet clinics, or aquariums. 

Work Environment

The work environment of a zookeeper is constantly changing. Zookeepers are expected to be capable of performing their jobs under any weather conditions, inside and outside. The work environment can be challenging both physically and emotionally, as zookeepers are usually on the go, standing and doing strenuous work – like moving around cages or cleaning. Stamina and empathy are necessary skills for this career. Also, the work environment has physical hazards, as zookeepers can be attacked, injured, or bitten when managing animals.

Depending on the institution, zookeepers are usually required to put in long hours and weekends, as animals need constant nurturing. It can also be emotionally demanding, especially when handling animals suffering from a condition, sickness, or injury. Of course, if the zoo has good policies for employees, you won’t have to be there all alone: there are going to be shifts and support network, created to help sustain your mental health (besides, working with animals also can be very emotionally rewarding too.) 

Career Growth and Opportunities

Although zookeeping is more restricted than other careers in growth, career advancement opportunities in zoos are available. With zookeeping, professional growth is reliant on the zoo’s structure, programs, and credentials you have at the beginning. Some zoos have various stages of administration staff. The peak is becoming a veterinarian, zoologist, or curator.

To have access to better opportunities in this profession, you have to constantly gain new knowledge and obtain new skills. The average zookeeping career is usually structured this way: 

  • Keeper
  • Senior Keeper
  • Head Keeper
  • Area Supervisor
  • Assistant Curator
  • Curator

Occasionally, one can be promoted to the position of zoo director.

However, to move up from senior keeper level to higher managerial positions requires horizontal moves from one zoo to another, usually in a different city, state, or even a continent. Vertical growth in the same zoo institution rarely happens, but as you gather, the more experience you have, the higher the probability you’re going to be promoted to the top – in yours or other institutions. 

Financial Side: Earnings

Seeing the risk, working hours, and qualifications it takes to become a zookeeper, it cannot particularly be said to be a lucrative career. Although the highest forms of this profession earn significantly more, you would have to work and learn a lot. 

With little education, zookeepers earn just a little above the minimum wage. Based on studies online, the average salary for a zookeeper is around $14 an hour or at $28,000 annually. Experienced zookeepers can raise their income to $40,000 annually — salaries like that are usually paid if you live in a big city. 

Where the zookeeping profession shines is in its employee benefits. Typically, zookeepers working full-time have benefits of hazard and medical insurance coverage, retirement, and vacations plans.

To Conclude

If you are passionate about zookeeping, the information above will advance your profession. Zookeeping is something you’ll enjoy if you like animals or study animals (or both) — it can be a good part-time job if you’re still studying at university. You can try to get a preliminary experience there and figure out if that’s something you want to pursue.   

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What Animal Themed Online Slots Are Popular Among Polish Players Thu, 17 Feb 2022 11:24:59 +0000 The variety of online casinos is stunning, especially in terms%rarebiz-readmore%

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The variety of online casinos is stunning, especially in terms of themes, storylines, and topics they are using. Players can witness the highest level of creativity in online slots, which can use any idea to attract people with specific interests. Thus, a survey by Total Casino found that Polish gamblers are likely to choose animal-themed online slots. And it’s not surprising, as such slots have an attractive design that transfers a player into the zoo or safari while allowing to raise some money.

So, let’s review some of Poland’s most-played slots that contain animals as the core idea.

Lion’s Share

The list of animal-like slots should start with a pure classic, and Lion’s Share is precisely the one. The design of this slot comes from the past years and offline slots with a limited range of colors to use. However, a similar machine was popular in Las Vegas casinos, so the developers decided to retain the overall look and keep the old fashion on the screen. Of course, a lion is the main item in the design and the winning combinations. The gold-like color of the animal and its nobility are presented simply but clearly.

Lion’s Share is a typical 3-reel slot with a lion-shaped wild symbol that helps form a winning line and multiply winnings. The list of spinning items consists of the simple bar, double bar, and triple bar, with coins, cherries, and of course, a lion. 

As for the winnings, they are $50,000 with the option of a progressive jackpot that surpasses $2M, The minimum bet is 25 cents and up to $15 per spin. The basic info about rewarding combinations is present in the right part of the slot, with a king of beasts forming the whole background and unique atmosphere.

Untamed – Giant Panda

When it comes to the animals that people in Poland want to see, a giant panda is among them. This unusual black-and-white bear is common in China and is often regarded as a friendly animal, although it is Carnivora. Following the famous cartoon “Kung Fu Panda,” this animal became even more popular and linked to Chinese national symbols. However, the exotic look and unusual behavior didn’t stop the developers of the regarded slot from entitling it as with the word “untamed,” which refers to interesting ideas inside.

Thus, Untamed – Giant Panda is a modern slot with five reels and 25 pay lines, offering 243 ways to win. The very first rewards come with three same digits in the first three barrels. Of course, the wild item is entitled “Untamed Giant Panda.” Interestingly, the latter can be accumulated on each reel, and when getting four, the player receives a whole wild barrel, which significantly increases the chances of winning a prize. 

Another specific symbol is looking glass, which is a scatter — getting three at a time provides punters with ten free spins. Also, the developers added additional gamble options when getting a win so that the rewards could be multiplied up to 20 times. Everything is designed with stylish background, reel items, and musical accompaniment, allowing you to enjoy a type-new online slot with a friendly animal on board.

Mega Moolah

Another king of beasts is also a main object in the Mega Moolah slot. The cartoon-like game with African savanna as the story background can be compared to a safari. Thus, here you can find a buffalo, an antelope, an elephant, a giraffe, a zebra, a monkey, and of course — a lion. All of them are шт simple graphics, but everyone wants to chase them. That is because this animal-themed online game is famous for its progressive jackpots and one of the biggest payouts in digital slots history — $22.4M.

The main gameplay is based around the animals as well as 10 to Ace card symbols. Three lines and five barrels form 25 pay lines. A lion is a wild card, while a monkey’s tricky nature represents scatters. Spin lines, autoplay mode, and free spins are also available and force a lot of punters, including Polish ones, to follow the growing mega jackpot and try luck from time to time.

Dino Might

Since modern people never saw alive dinosaurs (except in movies or animations), even a comic representation is enough to spark interest. Dino Might is exactly the option where the simplified graphics brings enough pleasure for ancient animals, fossils, and plants to create an atmosphere of enjoyable leisure.

The playing process is based on five reels and 25 pay lines. Dino Might’s main figure is a Triggersaurus, a wild item that multiplies winnings. A helpful scatter role belongs to fossils, which can bring free spins if three appear at a time. The simple design of the symbols is accompanied by overall structured fields’ placing, making the game process easy and understandable even for Polish punters that play online slots for the first time.

Jungle Wild

While the major animals in online slots are mammals, some game developers went a bit further and added different Earth inhabitants. Thus, Jungle Wild is the game with birds and insects, which are among the most numerous animal species in the world. Of course, the jungle is the perfect place for all of them to coexist and develop. The designers of the Jungle Wild also decided to add colorful plants to create an even more colorful table that combines visible joy and money rewards.

On the technical side, this game is a traditional 5-reel & 25 win lines slot. The wild element here is a Wild Jungle icon, which is flourished with greeny. The scatter is represented by a pyramid, which refers to Africa and its global dominance in the early ages. A few scatters bring free spins, but the most beloved feature of all punters is the ability to respin particular wheels. With a return to player rate higher than 95%, it’s hard to determine what attracts players the most — the jungle design or the high winning probability.


The recent digital technologies open borders in all directions, even in online gambling. The variety of slots is huge, so every punter can easily pick a storyline or theme and enjoy the process to the fullest. Luckily, the variety of slots dedicated to animals is enormous, making the gaming process even more pleasant.

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Animal-themed games are popular in Philippines Bitcoin Casinos Wed, 24 Nov 2021 11:40:27 +0000 In Phillipines many Casinos offer animal themed games to the%rarebiz-readmore%

The post Animal-themed games are popular in Philippines Bitcoin Casinos appeared first on Tw&Cross Zoo.


In Phillipines many Casinos offer animal themed games to the clients at large. With the alleviating rate in technological growth, most casino games are being played online. This has increased the rate at which gamblers use online paying methods.

Bitcoin is amongst the leading methods used in payment in Casinos because it is legalised by the Central Bank of Philippines hence any Phillipines resident can access bitcoins whenever they wish. This article highlights the reasons why animal-themed games are popular in Philippines bitcoin casinos and the advantages coming in line with online gambling. The article further explains how the animal-themed games have thrived in bitcoin casinos.

1.Offers a myriad of games at a go

Since most bitcoin casinos offer online gambling services, the punters have a variety of animal themed-games available on their devices ready to play. This gives the gambler a chance and freedom to select the game he wants to participate in; whether it’s Crazy monkey, 100 cats or twin win. Since the punters have ready access to multiple games it allows them to participate in games they are confident with or the games they enjoy. The bitcoin casinos conversely enjoy it too. By offering a myriad of different games, the casino owners attract more punters hence making larger profits because different punters prefer different types of animal-themed casino games. This has alleviated the popularity of animal-themed games in Philippines Bitcoin casinos.

2. Realistic and real time

Because the animal-themed casino games in the Philippines are offered both online and offline; all the punters enjoy the real game time. In all scenarios, the punters will be able to know how the game is being played; the progression, the time it started and the time it’ll end. The punters participating it live can follow the live chat to keep them updated on what is going on or the possibly outcome. The punters find a chance to interact with fellow punters in decision making hence enabling them make finer decisions. In both cases too, the punters can communicate to the casino owners or customer care services at their convenience and in real-time hence being assisted instantly. Animal-themed casino games are growing popular in the Philippines due to this factor too.

3. Ease access of bitcoins

With the legalization of bitcoins by the Philippines government, there has been rise in the number of users of bitcoins as a cryptocurrency. All Philippine citizens and residents can access bitcoins at their comfort by purchasing them online from trusted dealers. This has made easier for punters and casino owners now that bitcoin has become an easier way of making payments. The punters only have to deposit the bitcoins and participate in the animal-themed casino games. If they win, they are paid in bitcoins and it makes the process simpler and more trust is built. It has enabled the punters to participate with no fear as they are assured of their share once they win while the owners too are assured with their pie once the punter loses. Secondly, the use of bitcoins has reduced the number of risks associated with carrying liquid cash. During the past, armed robbers, swindlers and thieves were invading casino points to loot or tracing the winners to rob the money. With the use of bitcoins, it has reduced the number of theft cases because punters can participate at their comfort zones like homes or even at work and win without anyone else knowing about it. This has been a strong factor which has overseen animal-themed casino games alleviate in the Philippines because of reduced theft rates and increased safety measures.

4. Mobile technology and flexibility for online casino players

Mostly, animal-themed casino games are played online. This makes it easily accessible to punters anytime they want to participate. The punters may access the games whether at home or at work during a short break. It doesn’t require them to present themselves in the casino joints to gamble. With the availability of the games on IOS and android devices, the punters can choose to participate anytime or even follow up how the games are unfolding and the results. The punters no longer need the black ties to participate in casino games as they can do it in pyjamas at their homes. This has brought convenience and ease of participation in casino games in the Philippines. Conversely, it has also saved the casino owners with the stress and rigmarole of opening casino joints till late. Since the casino joints are always closed mostly during the nights, the owners have enjoyed with the introduction of online gambling because they don’t have to open joints anymore for punters to participate in animal-themed casino games anymore. The games are offered online hence both of the two parties enjoy mobility and flexibility. With this factor, expect the animal-themed casino games to grow even more in the Philippines.

5. Availability of games all the time, ease of observation and privacy

Since animal-themed casino games in the Philippines are offered both online and offline, the punters have the ability to gamble anytime they’re convenient with because the games are offered all the time. Be it in the nights, the punters can easily follow the live games and gamble on them. The punters have the ease to observe how the games are proceeding and make a nice decision on how to gamble. Lastly, some punters enjoy privacy and wouldn’t enjoy being seen by people entering casino joints. With the availability of online animal-themed casino games in Philippines, the punters who prefer privacy can participate in it at home or comfort zones hence making the punters in Philippines prefer animal-themed casino games to others.


It can be concluded that animal-themed casino games in the Philippines are more popular than the rest. It’s massive growth has been influenced by numerous factors discussed in this article. Albeit it may have some few challenges, the animal-themed casino games industry in Philippines will keep on growing day by day. With the growth of technology and the legalization of bitcoins, the animal-themed games have found a way through to the helm of the bitcoin casinos in Philippines. The animal-themed casino games are being enjoyed by the punters and this mirrors on what the future holds for the games. The massive growth will continue to be experienced in the animal-themed casino games in the Philippines.

The post Animal-themed games are popular in Philippines Bitcoin Casinos appeared first on Tw&Cross Zoo.
