Accidents can happen when you have a pet living with you. If your carpet has been soiled by urine, feces, or vomit, immediate cleaning and long-term care may generally restore it to its original condition.

You don’t have to live with pet stains on your carpet indefinitely. Even if you don’t notice one until it has dried and set into the carpet, there are still strategies to clean it.

Never use strong chemical cleaners with a pungent odor to remove pet stains from the carpet. They seldom eliminate the smell from the fibers of the carpet, and may even entice pets to return and mark it again.

If you’re an RV owner, then you know that pet stains can be a real pain to clean up. Not only are they difficult to remove, but they can also damage your carpet over time. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best ways to clean pet stains out of your RV carpet. We will also provide some tips on how to prevent them from happening in the first place!

Immediate Actions for Pet Stains

In many cases, the site of an accident will be obvious to the naked eye. If not, you can usually spot the damaged area by smell. You may use a black light to find regions where accidents have occurred if either of these methods fails. Your pet may return to that location to relieve itself, even if you remove all traces of the stain.

If you see the accident while the area is still wet, you should try to soak up as much of the water as feasible. The sooner you can get all of the liquid out of your way, the easier and more successful the procedure will be.

If the accident has already dried, you can use a pet odor and stain remover to break down the enzymes that are causing the problem. These products will also help to remove any lingering odors.

If there is vomit or feces on the carpet, use a plastic bag to gather them up. It’s critical not to put any more objects in the fibers after removing vomit since the acid in vomit can quickly color carpet threads:

  • Drop paper towels on the area to absorb any extra moisture. Blot the carpet firmly with rags, as long as you wash them after;
  • Get rid of the paper towels. Then, replace the fresh sets on top of each other and press firmly one last time;
  • After that, set another layer of paper towels over the stain and press your feet on it for at least a minute. Make sure you wear footwear for this;
  • Once again get rid of the paper towels. You’re now ready to use a cleaning solution to remove the stain and smell;

Methods for Cleaning Pet Stains From Carpet

Vinegar Solution

  • Mix one part white vinegar with one part water;
  • Apply the mixture to the stain using a clean cloth or sponge;
  • Blot the area until the stain is no longer visible;
  • Rinse the area with clean water and blot dry;

Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda Mixture

If you have hydrogen peroxide and baking soda on hand, you can mix them together to form a natural cleaning solution. Simply combine one cup of hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon of baking soda. Then, use this mixture to scrub the stain until it disappears.

Using a Wet Vac Carpet Cleaner

If you have a wet vac carpet cleaner, you can use it to remove the pet stain from your RV carpet. First, you will need to fill the tank of the wet vac with hot water and soap. Then, you will need to place the vacuum over the stained area and turn it on. The vacuum will suck up the pet stain along with the hot water and soap.

Using a Steam Cleaner

The fourth way that you can clean pet stains out of your RV carpet is by using a steam cleaner. A steam cleaner uses hot water and steam to clean carpets. It is a very effective way to remove stains from carpets. To use a steam cleaner, you will first need to fill the tank with hot water. Then, you will need to hold the steam cleaner over the stained area and turn it on. The steam cleaner will remove the pet stain from your RV carpet.

Hiring a Professional Carpet Cleaning Company

The fifth and final way to clean pet stains out of your RV carpet is by hiring a professional carpet cleaning company. Carpet cleaning companies have special machines that they use to clean carpets. They are very effective at removing stains from carpets. If you hire a professional carpet cleaning company, they will be able to remove the pet stain from your RV carpet quickly and easily.

RV Carpet Cleaning Tips for Camping Pets


The most visible mess to clean up is fur. The majority of RV carpeting has a smooth, flat texture and little room to capture thick clumps of hair. A regular vacuum should be sufficient to clear moderate fur buildup.

Consider using lint rollers – they’re especially useful if your carpeting is flat. Line rollers are affordable and very efficient at collecting hair, fur, lint, and other fuzzy items that may become trapped in your carpeting.

For cleaning up fur, a vacuum is your best friend. Simply run the machine over the carpeted regions, adjusting the brush setting for each carpet thickness. It also doesn’t hurt to do a rapid vacuum of the solid flooring if you have a bare-floor environment.

If you ought to cleanse your dog’s fur from furniture, or if you have particularly tenacious hair patches, consider using a pet fur vacuum attachment. Using one of these will slow down the vacuuming process somewhat, but it will be able to get a more thorough clean.

Urine Stains and Smell

The first step is to identify the source of the stain and then blot it with a clean, dry towel. Do not rub or scrub the area as this will only spread the urine and make the stain larger. Once you have blotted up as much liquid as possible, it’s time to treat the area with a cleaning solution.

You may put off cleaning up fur for a while, but urine must be dealt with as soon as feasible so that stains and odors do not become entrenched. There are various strategies and products available to help you clean up these disasters.

Clean towels (white to prevent color transfer), water, a spray bottle, and some sort of cleaning solution are all generally required.

Dawn dish soap, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, and/or baking soda can be used. There are several excellent sprays and solutions available for this purpose; therefore, having a supply of one of these on hand is a smart idea.

Blot the spot with towels to get rid of any remaining residue from the cleaner. After it has had enough time to soak in (at least 5 minutes), add some water and blot with more towels again. Continue until there is no longer any evidence of pee. If you’re dealing with a stubborn old stain, an enzymatic pet stain remover that’s strong might be required.

Vomit Stains and Smell

Clean the topmost layer to the greatest extent possible. Wipe up any significant mess with paper towels or washcloths. After you’ve gotten all of the solids you can, clean the carpet with one of the cleaning solutions listed above. Continue to blot the carpet until the stain has gone.

It’s prudent to do a thorough carpet cleaning throughout the region just to be sure there aren’t any germs or unpleasant scents remaining.

Coffee grounds are an excellent solution for cleaning up vomit on a hard surface! Coffee grounds will absorb the fluid and eliminate the unpleasant smell. If you sprinkle coffee grounds over the vomit and leave it for a few minutes, you’ll be able to easily sweep up the mess and clean the floor below it.

Deep Cleaning Pet Stains from RV Carpet

Here are some tips for deep cleaning pet stains from your RV carpet:

  • Vacuum the area thoroughly to remove any loose dirt or debris;
  • Pre-treat the stain with a carpet cleaner or enzyme cleaner designed specifically for pet stains. Follow the instructions on the bottle;
  • Allow the pre-treatment to work for the recommended amount of time before proceeding to the next step;
  • Using a carpet shampooer or steam cleaner, clean the entire area of the carpet where the stain occurred;
  • Once the carpet is dry, vacuum again to ensure all dirt and debris have been removed;

How to Help Prevent Future Stains?

Carpet cleaning is an essential part of RV maintenance, especially if you have pets. Pet stains can be difficult to remove and can cause permanent damage to your carpet. To help prevent future stains, it’s important to regularly vacuum and cleans your RV carpets. You should also consider using a pet-friendly carpet cleaner that’s designed to break down pet urine and other stubborn stains.

If you have a pet that’s prone to accidents, it’s also a good idea to keep them off the furniture and carpeted areas as much as possible. You can do this by keeping their favorite toys and beds in a separate room or area of the RV. By taking these preventive measures, you can help keep your RV carpet clean and free from pet stains.


How do I get stains out of my RV carpet?

RV carpet is often made from synthetic materials that are resistant to staining. However, accidents happen, and your pet may end up leaving a mess on your carpets. If this happens, don’t despair! There are several ways you can clean pet stains out of RV carpeting.

One way to remove a pet stain is to use a vacuum cleaner with an attachment designed for removing pet hair. If you have such an attachment, simply vacuum over the stained area and the stain should disappear.

Another way to clean a pet stain is to use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Simply combine one cup of hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon of baking soda. Then, use this mixture to scrub the stain until it disappears.

If you don’t have any hydrogen peroxide or baking soda on hand, you can also try using white vinegar. Simply pour some white vinegar onto the stained area and scrub it with a brush. The acid in the vinegar will help to break down the stains.

How do you get old pet stains out of the carpet?

Mix 2 cups warm water, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 teaspoon liquid dish soap, and 1/2 cup vinegar. Apply a soft cloth or sponge dipped in the solution to the filthy area. Blot lightly once more. To remove a stubborn stain, repeat the process a few times more. When the spot is no longer visible, rinse the area with clean water and blot dry.

Will hydrogen peroxide remove old pet stains from the carpet?

The most effective pet stain removers for carpets are hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and chlorine bleach. It’s a powerful stain removal and disinfectant, but it can also effectively whiten the surface where it’s used, especially at higher dosages.

Can you steam mop RV floors?

You should not use a steam mop on any carpeted surface in your RV. The high heat can permanently damage the fibers and backing, making it more susceptible to stains and wear-and-tear. Instead, vacuum regularly and spot-clean as needed using the method above.

For general cleaning, mix a solution of equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Lightly mist the area and wipe clean with a microfiber cloth. If you have tile floors, you can steam mop those safely. Just be sure to avoid getting any water on carpeted areas or near electrical outlets.

Does WD40 remove carpet stains?

WD40 can actually help to remove some carpet stains:

  • First, blot up as much of the spill as possible with a clean cloth;
  • Then, spray WD40 directly on the stain and let it sit for a few minutes before blotting again;
  • You may need to repeat this process a few times for tough stains. Just be sure to spot test an inconspicuous area first to ensure that WD40 won’t damage your particular carpet fibers;

It’s also important to note that WD-40 is flammable, so use caution if using it near any open flames.