Cats are adorable and furry creatures that we all love. But did you know that they can be overweight? If your cat is carrying around too many extra pounds, it could lead to a number of health problems. According to, It is important to keep an eye on your cat’s weight so you can prevent any health issues from arising. This article will provide tips for how much my cat should weigh and what you need to do if it isn’t at the right weight!

Ideal Weight for Cats

Cats should weigh between three and five pounds for every one of their age in years. If a cat is too thin, it may be because she isn’t eating enough food, possibly due to illness or another medical problem. However, cats can also become obese from eating too much high calorie food and not getting any exercise. Obesity has many health problems associated with it, including diabetes and other diseases.

If you think your cat is too skinny or overweight, consult a veterinarian to determine the best course of action for her overall health. A vet will also be able to tell if there are any underlying medical conditions that can cause weight changes in cats by looking at blood work results.

How to Keep the Pounds Off

Drink water! Cats can easily become dehydrated, which makes it more difficult for your cat to lose weight. Keep a bowl of fresh and clean water at all times in the house or keep them in their own fountain if you have multiple cats. For outdoor cats who may not always find clean drinking sources when they need one, I recommend getting a water fountain that’s specifically made for cats.

Be mindful of your cat’s diet and feeding regimen. Cats should always have access to food, even when they’re not eating it, so make sure you don’t put their bowl away too soon or let them graze throughout the day. This constant intake of food will cause them to gain weight quickly.

Put your cat on a diet made for cats if you need help with their caloric intake or are having trouble finding the right amount of food that’s not too much, but also isn’t causing them to lose any pounds. If they’re already eating healthy foods and still gaining weight, it may be time to talk to your vet about the possibility of a medical condition.

Cats love a good scratch, but it’s also another way for them to burn calories and lose weight! If they’re usually in front of you while you watch TV or work on your computer at home, consider giving them some attention during that time frame if not daily. If they’re not usually in the room with you, try playing a game of fetch or hide and seek to get them moving around!

If your cat struggles with weight loss despite their diet being on point, consider getting more exercise for them either by taking time every day to play games at home or letting them explore outside if they can go on walks with you.

Cats are naturally more active than most pets, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be as fit as a fiddle! If your cat is still struggling to lose those extra pounds despite the tips above and their diet being on point for weight loss, it may be time to talk to your vet about an easier way to do it.

The Problem with “Average” Cat Weight

There are so many websites out there that have statistics about how much your cat should weigh. But what’s the problem with using “average” weight as a reference? The truth is, no two cats are exactly alike! Just like humans can come in different shapes and sizes, each individual cat has its own unique body type. The best way to determine what your cat should weigh is by using the body condition score.

A Better Way to Determine Your Cat’s Ideal Weight

While simply looking at their size may work for some cats, there are several reasons why this method isn’t always accurate. For example, your cat may be bigger because she’s older, or has a disease that causes her to gain weight.

This is why it’s better to use another method instead of just looking at your cat and guessing what their ideal weight should be. One way you can do this would be by using the body condition score system developed for dogs.

This method takes into consideration the size and shape of your cat’s body. Here are some guidelines to help you determine whether or not your kitty is at a healthy weight. The neck should be narrower than the head, with visible elasticity when pressed down on both sides of their neck. Check this by lightly pressing your cat’s skin and looking for the “tenting.” When you touch your cat, their ribs should be easily felt but not seen.

The waist is where there’s a change in body contour from the lower to upper abdomen. It isn’t visible when standing up and your cat will appear to have a “tummy.” The tail should be long, thick at the base and tapering to a blunt tip with clearly defined bony vertebrae visible beneath the skin.

What if My Cat is Overweight?

Overweight cats can suffer from health problems such as diabetes, arthritis and heart disease. These are all things that you should keep an eye out for if your cat is overweight. If you think that your cat is overweight, the first thing to do is a weigh-in. If it’s more than two kilograms over its recommended weight, then it might be time for some changes in feeding habits and exercise routines. For an average sized adult at around five kilos (11 pounds), there are several things to consider with regards to feeding. Firstly, how much are you currently feeding your cat? What kind of food is it on and what volume constitutes a day’s worth?

If you’re giving treats throughout the day, make sure that these aren’t adding up to more than 20 percent of their daily calorie intake. As for dry food, most brands will have a guideline on the packet as to how much you should be feeding your cat. If not, contact them directly and they’ll advise you accordingly.

You can also ask your vet about what’s best for your pet’s age, weight and activity levels. As always with anything related to health care for your pets, prevention is better than cure. That said, you can’t really cure something if it’s not diagnosed in the first place!

What if My Cat is Underweight?

If your cat weighs less than the normal weight for her age and breed, you should schedule a visit with your veterinarian. Underweight cats may be lacking in nutrients or they could have an underlying medical condition that is causing them to lose their appetite. If your cat is underweight, you should make an appointment with the veterinarian right away.

Average Cat Weight Does Not Exist

The average cat weight does not exist. This is because there are too many breeds and variation between each breed that makes the averages useless. However, we do have a chart below with some estimates for your cat’s size based on their age and gender which you can use as a starting point to figure out if they’re overweight or have an underweight condition.

Mature male cats are generally larger than mature females. Kittens tend to be on the lighter side until they reach maturity, at which point their growth slows down and stops. Some breeds have a tendency to remain smaller throughout adulthood while other breeds continue growing well into their first year of life. It’s important for your veterinarian to take a hands-on approach to checking your cat’s weight.

Cats are not small dogs and should be treated accordingly when it comes to their health care, including the topic of obesity which is a huge problem for cats all around the world due to an increase in feline diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure among other illnesses that tend to plague overweight or obese cats.

We would advise you to seek the advice of your veterinarian if you are suspicious that your cat is either overweight or underweight and ask them what they think about their weight based on a hands-on examination, in addition to checking out our chart below with some estimates for how much cats should weigh at each age.

Why is maintaining a healthy weight so important?

Cats that are overweight or obese can experience a variety of issues like diabetes, arthritis and other joint diseases. This is because excess weight puts pressure on the joints which leads to pain and inflammation. Another issue with cats that are overweight is respiratory problems due to the extra weight. It is important to maintain a healthy weight for your cat because of the health risks.

Another reason why maintaining a healthy weight is so important is that it will help you determine if there are other underlying problems going on with your cat’s health such as an illness or disease. Cats can be very good at hiding their pain and not showing any signs of being sick. If you have a cat that is overweight it will often be harder for your vet to tell if there are any underlying health problems going on because of the extra weight and thick fur coat.

The last reason maintaining a healthy weight is so important, is that it ensures they live a long happy life with their owner! It can be very rewarding to have a cat that is healthy and happy.

Cats should always be fed high quality food

Foods that are high in fat or carbohydrates can cause weight gain, so it’s important not to feed your cat treats or other foods with these ingredients.

Regular veterinary visits keep track of the health progress of your pet!


Is 12 pounds overweight for a cat?

Most experts would say no. But it is worth looking at whether your pet’s weight might cause problems and, if so, how to help them lose some of those extra pounds.

How do you determine a cat’s ideal weight?

There are many charts available online, but here is an easy-to-use one. Use the weight range that’s at the top of your cat’s age. After measuring, remember to add 20-25% for an obese cat, and remove 25-30% if you think it is too thin. Weight varies from breed to breed as well as among cats so this chart will only provide a starting point. It is also important to keep in mind that most cats are at their healthy weight when they have a waistline. There should be a slight “tuck” where the stomach meets the back legs and spine. If your cat has no waist, it may indicate overweight or obesity (in which case you need to adjust accordingly).

Why is my indoor cat fat?

Cats are naturally hunters and as such, eat as much as their prey. Even though they can’t be satisfied by eating one small mouse at a time, you might still think that your indoor cat is overweight. If so, there could be several reasons for it:

  • Your cat is getting treats, despite you knowing that it should not.
  • You’re feeding your cat too much because the food bowl never seems to be emptied fast enough for you. You think one more serving won’t hurt but in reality, this might just make him or her obese very quickly!
  • Your cat is feeling lonely and might be eating to compensate for the lack of company.
  • You’re giving your kitty food just because other people in the house are having theirs or you cannot say no when he/she looks at you with those cute eyes!


The best way to find out how much your cat should weigh is by taking it to the vet. They will be able to tell you if they are overweight or underweight, and provide advice on what you can do about it!