The training course in veterinary herpetology is made up of didactically meaningful presentations (lecture part) and interactive seminar sessions. As the experience of the internships has shown, for independent clinical practice with reptiles it is important for the doctors to master some manipulations with these animals: taking biological materials, some methods of laboratory and instrumental diagnosis, ways of administering medicines, simple surgical manipulations. Practicing physicians have the most questions when interpreting cytological samples and making differential diagnoses. This is the main focus of our training.
The course consists of three thematic blocks: “Laboratory, Visual, and Differential Diagnostics”; “Infectious and Infectious Diseases”; and “Internal Non-Infectious Diseases”.
Upon completion of training, listeners will receive a certificate (certificate) of advanced training at Tw&Cross Zoo Academy.

Training for employees of herpetology departments and veterinarians of zoos has been held at the Zoo Herpetology Department for the last 15-20 years. Training sessions were held in the form of two-week internships for small groups and consisted of a lecture course (about 18 hours) and practical exercises in the Department of Herpetology and friendly veterinary clinics. These internships have now been discontinued, primarily due to the lack of patient intake at the zoo and the difficulty in arranging for trainees to participate in clinical practice at commercial clinics. However, applications for this type of training continue to be received and the number of those willing to participate far exceeds the size of the standard trainee group.
At the same time, in recent years, the collected material concerning diseases and treatment of reptiles has been largely supplemented and reinterpreted; this allows it to be delivered to the audience in digital form only, eliminating the complicated organization of practical classes, and also reducing the training time to three working days and expanding the audience to 20 or more people.

For employees of herpetology departments and veterinarians in zoos

Classes start at 10.00 and finish at 18.00, with a lunch break of 1-1.5 hours.

2 400 $. 50% discount, state and municipal zoos – free of charge, meals and accommodation are paid separately.